When you first register your account, you will be asked to enter a credit card that will be used for two purposes. First, a pre-authorization of $60USD will be applied to your card as a security check. This ensures your credit card can be processed in the event that a domain is won on your behalf. This pre-authorization is not a charge but may appear on your bank statement while the pre-authorization is still active. The funds are placed on a temporary hold with your credit card provider and are typically released in 2-3 business days, although in rare cases it can be up to 10 days depending on your credit card provider's policy.
Second, up to certain limits, this card will be used to automatically bill your auction fee at the close of an auction. We currently accept standard VISA, MasterCard and American Express credit cards only. For auctions that close at higher amounts you will be asked to submit payment by wire transfer. We do not accept cheques or money orders (bank drafts) at this time. For more information on wire transfers please click here.
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